Looking Back to See Forward

In 2019 I started the process of getting my idea of a book fair out to my local area and began the process of trying to fund it. 2020 will focus on these efforts more so that by 2021 the event will be ready.

My vision is to raise funds and interest in the Lit Carnivale book fair by attending local author and book events, vending, and building up a social media presence using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (all of which I’m not very good at.) I also plan to produce a lot of Youtube content to share, based on bookish and geek interests.

Before jumping into all my 2020 goals and ambitions, here’s a quick look at what I read in 2019. Click the link below to be taken to Goodreads.com for a closer look.

So, did you meet your reading or writing goals in 2019? Any big plans in store for 2020? Be sure to let me know in the comments below. Until next time, I hope you love books as much as #carnieluvsboox.

By Carnie the Bookworm

Toi Thomas is an advocate for Healthy Reading Lifestyles and Carnie the Bookworm is her mascot. Join them both on the journey to create a fun and fan-fueled reading community in the local Hampton Roads aka Tidewater area (#coastalvirginia).