The Carnie Shop

Thank you for your interest in supporting this endeavor. Please scroll down to view all the available options from Toi Thomas. It is our intention to add additional genre pages to display books and ads by local authors and other literary talents down the road.

Image of a book mark design you can color, represents a downloadable item.
Support this cause for $1, or more, and receive this bookmark download. It contains 4 templates (2 different colorable designs). Works best on 8.5×11 cardstock.

Toi on Patreon


ToiBox T-shirts

Carnie T-shirts

Now, the proceeds of all Toi’s book sales go to support this endeavor. Click the images to visit to make a purchase or purchase her books at a local event. You too can promote your books in the genre pages listed under The Carnie Shop tab. 
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 eBook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 eBook
$14.99 paperback- $3.99 eBook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 ebook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 ebook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 ebook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 eBook
$9.99 paperback-$2.99 eBook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 eBook
$9.99 paperback- $2.99 eBook




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